A Brit in Alaska

Welcome to my blog! I'm switching over from my old blog http://abitofthisabitofthat.spaces.live.com/ where you can view 'art from my past' and past musings! :) O this new blog, I will be posting hopefully daily with things I am doing and what I have crafted. I am a avid crafter, even owning my own online store as I can only create so much for family, friends and swaps...I need to sell the surplus! :) If you would like to visit my store, please go to http://paperartplus.etsy.com/ .

About Me

Anchorage, Alaska, United States
I live in a beautiful State, Alaska! I love Jesus and attend ChangePoint Church. Both my hubby and I are retired now and are enjoying the stress-free life with ease and joy! I'm from England and moved here with my then GI hubby in 1987! I love to make things and besides the swaps I do with friends, and the pressies for family and friends, I sell the surplus at my online store at PaperArtPlus.etsy.com to provide funds for 'Craft With Love'. Blog at http://craftwithlovecp.blogspot.com/ (currently under re-construction!)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My first Journal Cover...at last!

I have finally completed my first journal cover for Shirley Nagel's great journal for cancer patients project. I wrote about this in an earlier post (Sunday August 9th) and you can find more details there. Since Shirley N.'s idea happened, it has rapidly evolved into crafters making these journals and either sending them to Shirley N. or taking them to their own nearest cancer treatment center....and it is spreading out all over the USA...who knows...the world next!! I am planning to take mine to our Anchorage Cancer Treatment Center. I have already contacted the supervisor there and she was delighted! A group of crafting buddies and I are getting together on Oct 3rd to make a whole bunch of them! What fun...and what a worthy cause!

As you can see, I went mad with cherries! I've had this paper for ages and not been sure what to do with it and decided this was the moment! I'm calling it Cherries Jubilee! :) The cherries that I cut out on the right are actually cherry red glitter with the stems and leaves having been covered in clear embossing enamel. The cherries look a tad on the coppery side in the pic! The green plaid is wired ribbon.

The back of the journal is covered with a coordinating cherry colored plaid...almost like a picnic table cloth look. Let me know what you think in the comment section!


  1. Shirley...this is perfect....I love it...
    someone will be thrilled with this journal.

  2. Such a Cheery journal.... I love this!

  3. It's a most lovely journal, Shirley! Thanks for sharing - I need to get some made too. Diann
